+358 (0)5 210 8000
We hope that you will use e-invoice as the primary invoicing channel when
sending invoices to us. Compared to paper invoices, processing e-invoices is faster,
cheaper and more reliable.
Please notice. Invoices must show the customer’s information, the cost center number provided by the customer and the delivery address.
Olmar HaminaKotka Oy
Business ID: 0666413-1
EDI code: 003706664131
e-invoice address: 003706664131
Operator: Maventa Oy
Operator ID: 003721291126
Instructions for e-invoice to be sent via email:
If it is not possible to send an e-invoice with above instructions, the invoice must be sent in pdf format by e-mail to the following address:
Olmar HaminaKotka Oy:
We can only accept invoices sent via email with these conditions full-filled:
- Invoices are sent as e-mail attachments in PDF format.
- One invoice per file that contains all the pages and other attachments of the invoice.
- One email can be a maximum of 10Mb.
- PDF files must be genuine.
- PDF documents version 1.3 or later.
- PDFs must not be locked or password protected.
- The external dimension of the document can be a maximum of 210x297mm, ie A4.
- The file name cannot contain other than usual characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9).
Invoicing department contact:
+358 (0)5 210 8000